YOGA For beginners
This comic reminds me of the expression beginners mind which differs from yoga for beginners. I love to walk into a yoga class as a student, and start from a place called the beginner’s mind. If you Wikepedia the expression, you find it means ‘Shoshin’ : ” a concept in Zen Buddhism meaning “beginner’s mind“. It refers to having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying a subject, even when studying at an advanced level, just as a beginner in that subject would” . This doesn’t mean I forget to navigate according to who I am (slightly protective of my SI joints etc) but I put aside feeling full of knowing in order to receive the information with openness. You learn so much this way!
What I will say if you are looking for yoga for beginners is that soon I will be teaching a FUNdamentals Yapana® yoga series which is a great place for you to start learning yoga (or just show up with that beginners mind). I would also say that one of my skill sets as a yoga therapist is that I can help you modify your practice to meet your needs whether you are an athlete or a weekend warrior, nursing an injury or just have a busy or inquisitive mind. This happens in a private yoga lesson so book that soon or check out my updated yoga class schedule here in Jersey City.
Here are some of the potential benefits:
-Facilitate active recovery
-Improve musculo-skeletal alignment
-Increase your awareness to dramatically transform your posture
-Cultivate mental focus for work, play and performance
-Successfully breathe in and out of challenges
-Work with your aches and pains to reduce fatigue
-Improve energy level and stamina
-Get better range of motion and flexibility
-Turn joint inflammation into joint strength and stability
-Reduce the stress and anxiety of fast paced commuter/computer lifestyle
-Improve health and habits that keep your immune system fully charged
-Balance out your life with rest and digest
-Take your yoga practice to a new level by bringing a skillful quality to your asana
-Breathe better